Gaithersburg, MD 

Steve Waechter attended a Christian Brothers high school in Kentucky before studying at Christian Brothers University (CBU) in Memphis, graduating in 1972. He used his Christian Brothers’ education to build a successful career as a finance executive. Steve has served on CBU’s Board of Trustees and chaired a number of its committees, while also teaching seminars. Steve, and his wife Debbie, have never forgotten the Brothers or CBU. For many years, they have supported the Christian Brothers, in all their endeavors, financially and as volunteers. 

To many individual students, that support was made real as Steve and Debbie demonstrated the Lasallian values of faith, service, and community. College can be a difficult time and students often face obstacles that might force them to leave school. Remembering their own modest beginnings, Steve and Debbie have taken students into their own home, and, often anonymously, paid their college expenses, making sure that the student’s only job was to study. After that, they made sure these students started their careers, and their lives, on a strong foundation. 

Education strengthens communities by opening new vistas, showing their members new ways to experience the world. Today, Steve and Debbie continue to show their strong belief in the Christian Brothers’ mission of education here and abroad by assisting in the development of a Christian Brothers school in Nigeria and continuing to provide funds here to help care for senior Brothers who have given their lives to the mission and are now entering a new phase of service. 

Giving through their donor-advised fund and IRA has provided the Waechters a practical means of making the greatest difference they can by supporting these and other causes close to their hearts. The Waechters legacy of faith and generosity not only lives on in their financial support but will continue to live in the minds and hearts of the students they have helped throughout their lives. These students will continue to live the Christian Brothers mission not only because of their educations, but because, through Steve and Debbie Waechter, they have personally seen the mission in action and know the difference it can make in people’s lives. 

“From early humble beginnings, our association with the Christian Brothers as students, volunteers, and life-long learners of the Brothers’ history and heritage, has left us today immersed with a deep appreciation for a Lasallian mission of concern for the poor, respect for all persons, and a focus on quality education principals that continue to guide our lives. Our friendship with the Christian Brothers is a blessing.”
—Steve and Debbie Waechter