Chicago, IL; St. George Class of 1966

PaulAs a young man at St. George High School, the Christian Brothers had an immediate ability to relate to me as a maturing adolescent. They made me feel accepted and important—influencing my development at a critical time. There’s a total lack of pretentiousness among the Brothers; they make everyone feel immediately comfortable. With four years of high school and forty-one years of teaching at a Christian Brothers institution, I have been favorably imbued with the commitment to education and assistance of the poor inherent in the Lasallian mission.

The Brothers still influence me today—they helped me to see my frailties and weaknesses and to make a conscious effort to amend them. When engaging in this kind of activity, you realize that others struggle with these same things. You see how we are all so connected. Since my retirement ten years ago, the many outings and meals I’ve shared with the Brothers have strengthened my belief that the group, first and foremost, desires your kinship.

I consider my post-career, retirement income to be adequate but by no means excessive. I have enough to meet my expenses as well as my top priorities. With my current "adequate" monthly income, I'm still capable of making a significant monthly contribution.

For several years now, I’ve supported two primary programs: the (Saint George/Saint Patrick) Burnell Tuition Assistance Program and the Senior Brothers Fund through the annual KabarA Campaign. Financially assisting the Brothers through these programs (now and in my will) is my way of reimbursing the Lasallian community for instilling in me an ongoing dedication to their (and now my) “commitment,” an emphasis I find very worthy of my continued support—and prayerfully, the support of others as well.

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