Your gift can benefit the Christian Brothers and Lasallian schools and ministries in many ways, as the mission lives on through students, Lay Partners, and our Brothers. Your gift can provide the means to create endowed fellowships–fellowships that will allow our Lasallian schools to continue to hire the most qualified faculty that they can. Your gift may provide scholarships, allowing students, who may otherwise never have the opportunity, experience a Lasallian education that will build a better foundation for the rest of their lives.
Your gift can expand the support systems that are essential to the education of the whole person by providing formation for the teachers and staff through the Christian Brothers Lasallian Formation Program. Your gift can support our Lay Partners as their role becomes more crucial to our mission as we face the reality of a rapidly diminishing number of religious Brothers. The current program includes five (5) separate and unique experiences that intentionally develop a Lasallian Catholic culture: the Brother John Johnston Institute (JJI) of Contemporary Practice, the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies, the Lasallian Social Justice (LSJI) Institute, Online Formation Program, and the International Lasallian Center (CIL).
Your gift can support retired Brothers–those who have given their lives to the education of our children–allowing them to live out their Golden Years in safety and dignity, by providing quality nursing care and advocacy. Your gift can help senior Brothers rediscover their vocation once their time teaching full-time in a classroom comes to an end. Finally, your gift can inspire new generations of Brothers and Laity to follow in their footsteps and infuse new vigor into our classrooms.
Imagine yourself driving past a Lasallian school, and seeing your legacy at work. Imagine seeing the students entering and leaving, and being able to say, I helped those students complete their education. Imagine faculty receiving all of the support and development they need to maintain life-long careers in Lasallian education, careers that better entire communities and impact countless lives. Imagine knowing that you have helped a retired Brother, one who has spent his life in service to our children and communities, to live with dignity. These are ways your gift helps.
Why your gift matters
“God entrusts to you the care of his young.”
-Saint John Baptist de La Salle
When Saint John Baptist de La Salle founded the Brothers of the Christian Schools, he understood the value of education as a means for an individual to reach his or her potential; to recognize their inherent human dignity, and to create lasting, meaningful social change. Above all, he was an innovator in education and founded a religious fraternity with a charism that has continued to impact millions of lives across the world for more than 340 years.
We consider our commitment to education from our Founder as our legacy gift–one we continue to live intentionally and one that has influenced education far beyond the Lasallian world. Today, we are all part of this legacy. As part of the world of education, we continue to pay this gift forward to generations of students.
Much like the legacy that we carry on from Saint John Baptist de La Salle, your legacy gift is the ultimate expression of trust and confidence in our mission and helps your personal values and beliefs to live on in perpetuity. Putting the Christian Brothers of the Midwest in your will or making another kind of planned gift, is one of the most significant and lasting contributions you can make to Lasallian Education and provides us with the opportunity to focus on long-term strategies that support the potential of all students and the need for education focused on dignity and their lives as a whole. A Brothers’ education embodies empathy. We place ourselves at the heart of the enterprise where we can be reminded of these three virtues:
- Modesty–when we act for the benefit of others rather than ourselves.
- Endurance–in that education is an act for the future.
- Trust–of the students and families who place their trust in us every single day.
We are honored that you would consider joining us in continuing these values by entrusting us with your legacy. We are excited to explore the different areas of support that match your priorities–student scholarships, care of Senior Brothers, vocations, or formation.
Please contact Anthony Chimera, Director of Development, at 630.323.3725 Ext 211 or if you wish to create a powerful legacy through a planned future gift.
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