Your gift benefits the Christian Brothers and Lasallian schools and ministries in many ways. Your gift provides the means to create endowed fellowships–fellowships that will allow our Lasallian schools to continue to hire the most qualified faculty that they can. It provides scholarships, allowing students who may otherwise never have the opportunity, to experience a Lasallian education that will build the foundation for the rest of their lives.

Today, the role of our Lay Partners is ever more crucial to our mission as we face the reality of a rapidly diminishing number of religious Brothers. Through Formation programs, you support these lay partners as they serve our community and intentionally develop a Lasallian Catholic culture.

Your gift supports retired Brothers–those who have given their lives to the education of our children–allowing them to live out their Golden Years in safety and dignity, by providing quality nursing care and advocacy. Your gift inspires new generations of Brothers and Laity to follow in their footsteps and infuse new vigor into our classrooms.

Imagine yourself driving past a Lasallian school and seeing your legacy at work. Imagine seeing students entering and leaving, and saying, I helped those students complete their educations. Imagine faculty receiving the support and development they need to maintain life-long careers in Lasallian education, careers that better entire communities and impact countless lives. Imagine knowing that you have helped a retired Brother, one who has spent his life in service to our children and communities, to live with dignity. These are ways your gift helps.