Saint Anthony, MN; DeLaSalle Minneapolis Class of 1959

HeillesOver the years we have seen one characteristic among the Christian Brothers that truly stands out. Selflessness. That selflessness is one reason the Brothers remain a great influence in our lives today. They share their charism with other educators. They are dedicated to an education for everyone. The Christian Brothers’ mission extends well beyond the schools we attended, well beyond the schools in the Midwest Region; it extends to students across the globe. This sharing of charism and mission is a selfless act of caring for others and recognition that mission is and always has been first.

The Christian Brothers have been a continuing presence in our lives since high school. Nick attended De La Salle High School in Minneapolis, then St. Mary’s University, and then spent time in the novitiate. Brother Theodore even attended our wedding. Rosemary volunteered at San Miguel Middle School in the Twin Cities. The connection continued with our children attending Christian Brothers schools. The Christian Brothers are a part of our family.

There is a point in life when we begin to think about what we have done. How we will be remembered. What our legacy will be. We are at that place and believe that there can be no better legacy than one of selflessness. Through the Christian Brothers we learned the selfless act of caring, and through our many years with the Brothers we learned about giving back. We believe the best way to build our legacy is to remember the Christian Brothers in a special way—by giving back to our Christian Brothers family. Creating a charitable gift annuity was a meaningful and practical way to support the Brothers while providing income for us during our senior years. 

Now you can give through your IRA by making a Qualified Charitable Distribution in exchange for a charitable gift annuity. Learn more here.