We change the world one person at a time. 

For the Christian Brothers and our Lay Partners, mission means that we change the world. We change the world through the education of young boys and girls, men and women, from kindergarten to advanced university degrees. Our mission is teaching minds and touching hearts with the love of Christ, and preparing those entrusted to our care for a successful life in the world. It’s all about building relationships and accompanying the young as they grow, giving them the tools needed for success. 

We have seen first-hand how a “Brothers” education can change lives. We have been the recipients of that education, or we know someone who has. As we continue through our lives, the impact of that education becomes even more apparent. Even if you haven’t had that first-hand experience, you know the difference a quality education that focuses on the individual makes. It is the foundation to the rest of your life and a foundation that can be witnessed through our many ministries.

The men and women of the Blackfeet Nation wanted their children to benefit from a Catholic education, but had no opportunity to get one. And so the Brothers went there, beginning with a prayer and a commitment to provide for the children on the reservation. We started De La Salle Blackfeet School in Browning, Montana, to provide that Lasallian foundation for students in the most need. Twenty years later, we are witnessing our mission of education and formation come to fruition as those children go on to colleges and universities. Many have returned to their community to give back what they have received.

What we are accomplishing on the Blackfeet reservation is but one example; that same effort is repeated over and over in many of our schools that educate poor youth, like the San Miguel Schools in Chicago and Tulsa. That effort can be seen in the success of schools like De La Salle High School in Minneapolis or De La Salle Institute in Chicago, where people of many backgrounds and cultures come together to create a deep sense of unity and community. It can be seen where students are thriving, and because of their Lasallian formation, now continue on the charism by giving back to those around them. We see young Brothers focusing their efforts on ministries that are in early stages of formation and we see Lay Partners grow through continuing Lasallian formation opportunities. We see senior Brothers pass on leadership to these Lay Partners after witnessing the Lasallian charism alive and well within them, ensuring the future of our mission. 

These are just a few of the examples of the difference we can make together. When you partner with us, you share in and advance our mission. You help us fulfill the prayer with which we have begun: “Lord God, we are your servants. The work is Yours and we wish to fulfill Your will in all things. We depend on your providence. Provide what is needed for the salvation of your people.”

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Call us at 630.323.3725 any weekday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST
or email us at development@cbmidwest.org.