Edina, MN; Saint Mary’s University Class of 1960
The word “family” means many things to many people. Among them are blood relatives, of course, but it can also refer to the people you let into your life—people you trust, people who are there for you, people with your best interests at heart. For me, the Christian Brothers are family and I am thankful for their role in my life.
I attended St. Mary’s University and found the Christian Brothers there to be tolerant, straightforward, demanding, and kind. It was because of them that this first-generation college student was able to finish his degree and live a full and happy life. The Brothers gave me a chance by accepting where I was at the time and working with me in a genuine and individualized way. And for that, I am forever grateful.
If there is one word I would use to describe the Christian Brothers, it would be “humble.” They don’t look for accolades, they don’t brag, they don’t seek out the press, sometimes to their own detriment. They have a genuine love and concern for young people and their futures. As an example, I was once told the story of a student at one of the Christian Brothers schools who always came to school without his shirt tucked in. He was often reminded to tuck his shirt in, until the Brothers realized that his shirt didn’t stay tucked in because his pants didn’t fit. One of the Brothers then got the young man a pair of pants that fit. As they did with me, they start with where a young person is at the time and work from there. They take you where you didn’t know you could go.
At a certain point, we begin to reflect on our lives. Over the years, I became more and more aware of the institutions that I have served and that have served me. I realized that the Christian Brothers, and their impact, represented divine providence in my life. The Brothers have become family. In my giving, I ask myself, what does this family need? I ask that my gifts be used in the areas of greatest need—whether it’s scholarships or to pay the electric bill. When I give to the Christian Brothers, I give back to my family, to express gratitude for the lifetime of care they provided me.