The new year—an opportunity for recalibrating and for starting anew. As the nights gradually become shorter and the promise of spring is right around the corner, we turn our attention to the opportunities and the challenges that 2023 will surely bring.
Even if you are not inclined to make New Year’s resolutions, this is a great time to begin planning your charitable giving for the coming year. There are many opportunities to shape your charitable gifts to fit your unique circumstances and to make sure you maximize the financial advantages and tax savings. Some gift plans require careful consideration on your part and may entail consultation with your family and advisors, all of which takes time.
A gift of appreciated securities, for example, can provide double tax savings for you, but timing can be critical. Depending upon your unique situation, a gift from your retirement account can offer significant advantages to you even though it may take extra time to complete the gift. And—speaking of New Year’s Resolutions—perhaps this is the year to review and update your estate plans including a legacy gift to the Christian Brothers of the Midwest.
Thanks to your generous support over the years, we have been able to teach minds and touch hearts with the love of Christ. Though the future may be uncertain, we know that our work is not yet done. We hope we can count on your continued support for this important work and we stand ready to work with you and your advisors to make certain that your charitable giving in 2023 is best for you.